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Mod request (Practical Female Armor)


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I know this is kind of a long shot and I have no idea if it's even possible given the constraints of the game, but I figured I'd ask anyway.


So here's the thing. I love Monster Hunter World. I do. I also play a female character.


I know armors that show a lot of skin (on said female characters) aren't unique to this particular game in the series. For most people playing, I don't imagine it bothers them. Personally, though, I find it incredibly jarring to be running around with my entire back, abdomen, and thighs exposed. It's like you're telling the monsters 'hey, attack me here!'


It might be a little ridiculous in a game where you swing around a sword bigger than you are like it ain't no thing, but it really ruins my immersion. I just want the same level of protection as the male armors. That's all.


I can suspend my disbelief with some of the outfits, but the femala Anja, Odogaron, Nergigante and Dober armors are just awful*. If there's any way some modder with more experience than I (not a high bar to cross since I have none, or I'd try myself) could fill in the skin patches I would really appreciate it.


And if it's not possible, just lemme know, and I'll deal. Thanks for your time!





*-don't even get me started on the Drachen armor- who in their right mind leaves an armor window directly over their vital organs?!

Edited by Metrophor
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