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Follower Moving Very Slowly, How To Set NPC speed.....


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I am using a multie follower mod, EFF specifically and in many of my games one of my followers ends up with some weird issue where they walk and run at half speed. For some reason it is always Ghorbash or Mercurio but usually Ghorbash. It isn't the hire/rehire encumberance thing since I never fired them in the first place and it only effects those two npcs. I looked in the CK for something that might be causing it but nothing stands out from the rest of the follower npcs. I tried disable/enable already and was wondering if there was a way to set an npcs speed back to normal through the console. I couldn't find anything like that on the UESP site and I really really miss my Ghorbash. :(
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on the console click the npc then type setav speedmult xxx. I think 100 is default. Check out more console commands here http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Console


Oh thanks. Just what I was looking for. :) Of course I already disabled him and spawned another Ghorbash which solved the problem. Unfortunately it is like I am playing with Ghorbash's twin brother who happens to have the same name. I miss my real Ghorbash. :(

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