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Mounted combat mod suggetion...possibly helpful modders/scripters plea


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Before i start let me say i know jack about modding but i noticed something familiar around the forums etc...the scripting language or w/e it is "Python" keeps getting mentioned and i think i read somewhere tht skyrim is written in something similar? maybe not? aanyways to cut to the point there is an old game tht had riding horses and combat thts really close to how skyrim feels (horse wise) that is definately written in python its called "Mount and blade warband" i dont know if this may interest anyone or if it helps the modding community but i really hope it does.

If it does have usuable ideas/script maybe there are other things you could pull from it? just a thought feel free to ignore my ramblings :)

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oh i almost forgot to add that they also had a really nice and helpful modding community of their own found here http://www.mbrepository.com/index.php that seemed to be full of scripters some of which were proffesionals if it helps maybe they might even have advice etc for fellow modders from a different game ya never know.


If any of this actually helps/inspires anyone please let me know id like to think i atleast contributed something to the community here if not atleast i tried lol :)

Edited by ravayen
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