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Freeze after leveling up


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So, today I ran into a problem with my Skyrim save-game. After it finished loading I found myself in-game but less than 2 seconds later the game froze and became unresponsive.


This without me having perfomed any apparent change in my selection of mods or load order.


After testing slightly a older save (the only save-game I have that is resonably close) and trying to continue I've come to learn that everything is fine until I reach the next lvl (31-32). As soon as I level up, as in bring up the menu and choose what attribute I which to increase, the game will freeze after the next loading screen completes.


So I have saves from lvl 31 but as soon as I lvl up I can't continue. I tested the next closest save (lvl 22) and there I could go through loading screens after leveling up.



Now I ask any of the wise and kind people of the Nexus for any advice how to tackle this.

Here is a list of the mods I'm currently using.




Thanks in advance for any replies.

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