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How is dragon physical damage calculated?


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I understand Dragons get special unarmed perks to increase their damage and that tail/bite attacks do 50% more, but the math isn't adding up.


EX: A Blood dragon deals 50 base damage (25 damage + 25 from Dragon Bite Perk), 75 on a bite attack. I have a character with armor rating that reduces damage by 57%. Calculations show that I taker 32.25 damage. (Not sure how Skyrim handles mixed numbers.) However in game (where I have a mod to display floating combat damage numbers) it says I'm taking 37 damage. Another dragon (a modded one) should deal about 29 damage with all the same factors in place, but actually ends up dealing 33 damage.


I don't have any other magic effects in place that would otherwise modify damage. (Other than +50 AR from The Lord Stone, but that's accounted for.) I don't think any of my mods are changing their damage either, but I'll double check. Either way is there something I'm missing when it comes to calculating incoming damage from dragon physical attacks?

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