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"Your vampiric powers recede as you feed" Issue


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I'm currently using Serana as a follower and I've encountered a pretty strange bug, whenever she uses her Vampiric Drain ability I get a message saying: "Your vampiric powers recede as you feed". When this happens I suddenly get the weakness to fire debuff caused by Vampireism and the messeges about being out in the daylight that you get when you are a vampire. This also seems to happen when enemy vampires are using the ability too, even If they aren't near me.


It is incurable as the option to cure vampireism at Falion isn't available unless I ask Serana to infect me first.



Anyone know what is causing this?

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The mod doesen't seem to be made to fix the issue I'm having.


The problem is that whenever she uses the ability I get a message saying "Your vampiric powers recede as you feed" and I get some of the debuffs that are connected to becoming a vampire. (Fire Weakness, Lower stats during the day)


I'm not a vampire so this shouldn't be happening at all. :(

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