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Freeside Bar / Realistic Player Home


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thanks DevinPatterson for fulfilling my last request! – go download it here: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/47407


So, there’re a bunch of player home mods, but none of them really fit in with the basic storyline and a lot of them go overboard with a high-tech atmosphere or they’re just too homely and clean. Staying with the plot of the game here, I’m thinking [insert player name] has made their way to freeside, got into the strip, killed Benny and is by all standards a VIP under the protection of Mr House. So how come [insert player name here] isn’t using their wealth and influence to open a little dive bar in Freeside as a base of operations?


Nothing fancy: a small bar area downstairs lightly populated with 2 or 3 freeside citizens, a meat and booze storage room at the back, maybe a cellar downstairs for a weapon storage and a small makeshift shooting range, and a safe in a “player home”/office space upstairs – typewriter and all.


A possible storyline could involve buying the bar from the bartender for a huge sum of money in order to get the keys to unlock the player home – so people have to wait for a while until they’ve got enough cash to get to use it.


The location isn’t all that important, there are a couple of mods which “clean up freeside” to add NPCs and open buildings, but none of them touch most of the boarded up doors, so there’re plenty of places to add a new entrance in there on an existing door and string some colored lights around outside.


Also, I haven’t seen anybody script anything like this yet, but a nice feature would be to have your companion/s idle as a bartender, cleaning glasses etc just basic animations to add to the realism.



Anybody feel like taking this on? :ohdear:

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Awesome :biggrin:


Building stuff is my favorite thing in game design, I'm starting to get to grips learning how to use the GECK but... it's so different from other toolsets I've used in the past.



Anyways, here's some concept ideas I wrote up for this and a rough floor plan - divided into 3 areas. Basically my general thought is that the building should be dirty and dark to blend in with the atmosphere of the game, and anything but clean and homely or high tech and space age.




Ground Floor:

The Bar

Anything with a dark and dusty theme to it works, the actual bar itself from Boulder City could be reused (a lot of mods reuse the Goodsprings Saloon area, but i’ve only seen one mod reuse Boulder City) with a huge billboard for the “wall art”, and odds and ends (like one of those cliché australian bars with road signs on the walls) static fiend and enclave power armor helmets like trophies and plasma rifles on the wall, tiki lights etc. The doorways to the stairs and the kitchen would be locked off for the player until they’ve purchased the key from the bartender (if that idea works)


The Kitchen

A small kitchen area (maybe a working oven?) with plenty of rusty shelves and crates for miscellaneous storage and an all important working water valve.



Library/Lounge & the Office

One large room, plenty of bookcases (with a couple of trunks for surplus storage) with a desk facing onto the lounge area- maybe a dead fireplace behind the desk with some posters above it and a mutilated skull on the mantelpiece (which we could assume is Benny).



This could have a couple of lockers for med storage, and a sink and toilet, but instead of the typical cracked bathtub it could be an open plan shower – which doesn't work -with a bucket provided for hygiene purposes.



No opinion on it (plenty of wardrobes and a wall safe), but we gotta make use of that Gomorrah bed which hasn't gotten any use in any player homes that I’m aware of.


Basement Floor:

Storage Lockers

As the name implies; this area should have a lot of lockers and ammo boxes strewn about the place for armor and weapons, as well as including the necessary workbench and a reloading bench.


The Abandoned Cellar

This is the bit which has the most room for potential; the cellar area can be a huge ruined open space full of rubble and broken scenery (like 47’s hideout in Blood Money) with paper targets on the walls for getting in shooting practice and toying around with weapons.

Idk how doable this would be to script, but there could be a console in the storage area to turn off and on and infinite feral ghoul spawn point at the back of the cellar, add in an inaccessible sewer door... you know, for real target practice and exp earning purposes.




Good luck!


If anyone has resources or new textures or anything that'd work for this project- post it up ;)

Edited by OneBoredBoredKid
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