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A little help needed.


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Hi Folks,

I was just using the mod called "smokeable pipe mod". I liked it then I thought using the smoke meshes for my Idle clothing called "Cuban cigar", guess what? I did not find a mesh for the smoke, so I examined the CS, then I found that there is an animation called "Eat Smoke", so I thought is there a way to assign this smoke to an idle (clothing) object? something like a magic effect, or should it have that Darn animation anyway?


to anyone that answers this or replies to it I Say Thanks Mate :thumbsup: !


Cheers, :cool:


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IDK, but the smoke thing should be found in the Kvatch ruins in CS. I don't think smoke is actually a "mesh" more like an effect but then again I never know, best thing is to check around Kvatch via CS and look for anything smoky...
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IDK, but the smoke thing should be found in the Kvatch ruins in CS. I don't think smoke is actually a "mesh" more like an effect but then again I never know, best thing is to check around Kvatch via CS and look for anything smoky...

yeah you're right, but can I find the Mesh or Texture effect used to create the smoke, then add it as an active effect to the cigar?

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yeah you're right, but can I find the Mesh or Texture effect used to create the smoke, then add it as an active effect to the cigar?


If it were me, I'd study the scripting used in the Smokable Pipe mod and either adapt it or ask the author for permission to use their scripting wholesale.

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yeah you're right, but can I find the Mesh or Texture effect used to create the smoke, then add it as an active effect to the cigar?


If it were me, I'd study the scripting used in the Smokable Pipe mod and either adapt it or ask the author for permission to use their scripting wholesale.

yes I checked it, there was an "eat smoke animation" which belongs to oblivion, anyhow the author of "Smokable Pipe" did not answer to my PM, I figured that myself, however I do not know how to script the smoke effect to come from the cigar, not the character Because the "Smokable Pipe" uses an animation to assign the smoke to the pipe, I don't know how to assign the smoke to the cigar as an Idle object.

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