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Help with Ideas for mod


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I have already made a mod and released it. its called One Stop Magic Shop. recently i got tired of it and started making an updated version of it. i pretty much took most of the original material out and put new stuff in its place. It has some basic stuff now but i would like to make it a little more intersting. i have a custom spellmaking and enchanting alters a vendor and trainers for each class of magic. theres also an arcane vortex that pulls mana from the oblivion realm and pools it in an arcane well wich gives a 500 magicka bonus for 15 minutes. there are a few random npc's to try and make it a little more active. ive included the mod as of this minute( may change by the time u read this) so u can take a look at it and better respond to this post. thank you for your time. :thumbsup:
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