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Nifskope help needed, "scale vertices" option missing

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Okay so, here's the problem I have. I'm trying to manually reshape the mask from the Cross Techmask mod to fit the heads from the Vulpine Race mod.


Previously, I've used NifSkope to scale vertices on some dwemer goggles to make them match my modded race's head shape, and I followed the instructions, selecting the NiTriShape node and the function was there under Transform > Scale Vertices, but when I try to do the same with the cross techmask, selecting either NiNode or BSSubIndexTriShape I have no such option under Transform and trying to go into Transform > Edit only gives a whole mesh scalar, not a per-axis scalar.


For clarification, a node titled "NiTriShape" doesn't appear to exist in the mask's mesh.


I have no idea how to use Creation kit and I really don't want to climb that mountain just to reshape a single mask, so if there's some easy solution I'm missing, please somebody let me know.

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