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There is a collection of stories by Italio Calvino that I really want to read but probably won't have the time. For the time being I'm stuck reading Contemporary Korean Cinema, Walking Up Depot Street, and The Physiological Effects of Violent Video Game Playing on Aggression in Youth.
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Im waiting for The next Wheel Of Time novel,the one that comes after Crossroads Of Twilight.(Not New Spring). Also, any thing R.A Salvatore. This may seem creepy,but I own all the Wheel Of Time boks curently out,all in Hardcover.
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lately my reading list has been warhammer army books ^_^ ,since I love the minitures, and books on writeing a business plan, because I am looking to open a art/hobby store (hey, why not try to make a profit doing what you love :P ).But when I sit down and want to read a good book it is mainly si-fi and like one of the actors of the LOTR trilogy I read the four books ( one after the other,now there is a challange! :D )once a year. But as to a faverite author, beyond Tolkin I do have a couple that I keep a look out for, Tom Clancy, Anne McCaffrey, and Terry Goodkind to name a few.
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I just finished reading The Hobbit again, and I now just started Naked Empire (D&D esque) by Terry Goodkind. I'm waiting for the Second Book of the Dreamers to come out by David and Leigh Eddings. The Elder Gods (the first book in the series) got me hooked, I read it in two days. And I have The DaVinci Code sitting on a shelf somewhere waiting to be read also :whistling: .
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