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Skyrim Serious Lag


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Hey guys! I will tell you my PC specs.

AMD Athlon x2 6400+ 3.18GHz CPU.

6gb ram.

Nvidia Geforce 550GTX TI 1gb GDDR5.


Im running skyrim on 1280 x 1024, all on ultra settings no lag, really believe or not ,but my dual core cpu can run skyrim on ultra settings! So its not really needed for some effing quad core cpu to run skyrim on ultra. And skyrim doesnt even lag.

I forgot to mention that when I restart my PC after skyrim lags, skyrim is back to normal. Well I really dont want to reboot my PC everytime that skyrim lags. I don't have problems with other games just skyrim.

I have following mods installed :


AT - Faster Arrows Improved +100%.esp






The texture fix is for purple textures and some texture bugs, so IDK how is the official HD pack messing up my game. :blink:


Oh and I have Skyrim script extender, and I have SKY UI mod ;p




Ok I renamed scripts folder to SCRIPTS 1 and game well nothing... its still lagging. Damnit :confused:

Edited by skyrimcrafter1919
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You serious? I have bad computer? Bhahahahhaha don't make me laugh man, seriously :facepalm: I have a good computer, I can play MW3 on ultra without lagging. I can play portal 2 on ultra, l4d2 on ultra hell I can play every source game on ultra. I play skyrim on ultra! with my PC , just look at my specs man and please dont say that I have bad computer :(
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