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Mod Request: Cheese Types


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Hello, I am requesting to you kindly for a Cheese Mod. What exactly does that entail? Imagine, shall you, of a farm filled with dairy cows! Herbs grow under the farmhouse windows, and in the kitchen, master cheese makers create art out of whey and curds!


Basically, I want more than just 'cheese'. We have different types of wine, different types of eggs, why not types of cheese? Think of the possibilities!


Blue Cheese, Mozzarella, Parmesan, Muenster, Provolone, Colby Jack, American, Cheddar, Gouda, Ricotta, Havarti, there are just so many kinds, and this is just what I can buy around my real life home. There are specialty brands and regional ones as well, so many I can't list them all here!


So what say you, Master Modders? Is there anyway you can find time in your busy lives to help a cheese aficionado out? I sure would appreciate it!





(I will be trying to do this myself, but if someone more experienced gets to it first, that's great!)

Edited by ThiefyLives
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