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House-Mod - Items not mine


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Hi Nexus,


I tried modding a house and it's finished. But in the game are all items (like potions) red, so that I have to steal them and I don't know how this happened. :confused: Is there a possibility to make all items - and the house itself - to my property?


Thanks in advance and sorry for my bad english :biggrin:



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Regarding the red items: Those have an Ownership set to them, so to change that you'd need to select your items, double click or right click and select Edit, navigate to the Ownership tab, and set it to none. You could always remove the items and replace them with new stuff, unless you like the arrangement enough to poke through resetting the Ownership.


As for the player house part, I've barely dabbled in this area. You'll need to set up a new Location via the Location tab in the Object window...not at my computer right now but I think it ought to be under World Objects tab(?), you can base it off of whatever cell you've copied or duplicated to get an idea of the settings such as lighting, ambient sound etc. In the Keyword box, I've at least put in IsPlayerHouse but you may need or want to add other things such as IsDwelling. Not a part I'm really familiar with. Anyway, then you can Edit the Cell in the World menu and set it's Location to the new one you've made. This is part of setting up a Radiant Quest ready area but I haven't gotten that far. I suppose my information in this area might be wrong or backwards, so I'm hoping that someone with better knowledge may correctly impart some advice for you.


Hope this helps you out!

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Thank you for your answer! I'll try asap ;)


Because I'm a noob I dublicated the Dawnstar-Jarl's interior and deleted the complete furniture and replaced it with my own. And I added some cool stuff and normal potions with no owner in the ownership-tab. So I thought this all should be mine xD


Well this modding is very complicated. I can't even make a mannequin work properly xD

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