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The Latest, Greatest Housing Mod 2: Stormhold

The V8 Man

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Nevermind....found him. Can't see how I missed him...


On the other hand...is there something to do after I go back to Stormi?

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Scalefang: After delivering the letter to Marvin and checking back with Stormi Day, there is still plenty to do. Actually, the letter delivery is just a small, optional side quest. There is still a main quest that centers around the purchase and exploration of various homes, especially Viveron (the canton).


Gimpy & Gerald: You should have gotten a journal update after giving the letter to Marvin. And you definitely should get one after going into the console. Make sure that you typed the right message in the console. It should be: journal marvinnote_001 20, then press return. The update will say something like "I gave Stormi's letter to Marvin and he was rather rude." This letter delivery quest is a side quest and you do not have to complete it in order to do the main quest, which involves buying and exploring the various homes that Sonni and Stormi Day have for sale.


Let me know if I can be of further assistance with these mods.

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