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Generating custom world space LOD files

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I am trying to generate all new textures and meshes for a custom world space, orgingal source > Skyrim Classic. Is the CK capable of even doing this? I found a guide or two, but they absolutely do not work. THis could be my fault for or lack of experience, or maybe there is some crucial detail the guides gloss over? I am not sure. The only thing iI have successfully generated is the single lodsettings file. Generating anything else, results in exactly no files being created. It says it is creating them, but they all take 0.0 seconds and that is that.


What I am after, is creating all new BTT, BTR etc files using all that latest tools, and not the stuff from 2014 or earlier, that it was created with. And hopefully, fill in any missing files by starting from scratch. This would be my first attempt to do this particular task.




My CK log file indicates a fair number of meshes not being loaded ex MODELS: Failed to load Data\Meshes\Terrain\NewWorld\NewWorld.32.64.64.BTR, Request result is 1


There are quite a few of these, I cannot locate them in the mods original mesh folder. I can only assume the creator failed to make them originally.



The textures themselves, have been updated using texconv to BC7 format, if that is of any value.



Added: NM just discovered XLogen, which unlike SSEloggen 3.2 or the CK, actually works. Getting to learn to use it now.

Edited by Mebantiza
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