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How to, weapon perk?


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I want to understand the CK better and as such I have a project I want to do as I learn bet from doing and exerimenting but I think I have gotten to a halt

What conditions should I use to single out blade of woe?

I think I am doing this correct, but I am not quite sure, so far I think I am singling out every unique daggers, but there are more then 1 unique dagger and the unique condition wouldn't let me choose a specific weapon (parameter was grayed out, making it unable to click, browse and choose something)

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No vanilla weapon has the isUnique keyword, therefore the perk will never activate. isUnique for the checking of actors. Remove that condition, and it will instead activate for weapons that are daggers. You can narrow it down further if you want check daggers by what they are made of, by using WeapTypeMaterial(I think), for example.

Edited by Rasikko
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I want to replicate the glass bow of the stag prince effect and doing just that should\t be too hard, just replicate the same things and stick it to a different weapon but I want to in game have a weapon that improves in damage done after killing X amount of enemies, the hardest art is probably the script.


I found the script within "dlc2MerchEnchWeapBowOfTheStagPrince", this is what it said

Scriptname dlc2MerchBowOfStagPrinceIncSCRIPT extends ActiveMagicEffect  



EVENT OnEffectStart(ACTOR target, ACTOR caster)
	victim = target


EVENT OnDying(ACTOR killer)
		animalsKilled.SetValue(animalsKilled.GetValue() + 1)



My first idea was to change animalIsKilled to PeopleKilled but I wonder if CreaturesKilled includes all enemies, rather then just the people. However I got stumped on HasKeyword AnimalType, I have no clue what to replace that with, Sorry for bothering y'all, I am not too good with scripts.

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  • 4 years later...

i recently made a similar change try adding all keywords of actortypeanimal and actortypenpc along with actortypecreatueres to the script also make it a new script you dont want to overwrite base scripts if your not meaning to




edit: just found the simplit way to do this use the perk for the targe of the blooded use it as a reference to single out an item and apply effects

Edited by tcain99
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  • 5 months later...

I want to replicate the glass bow of the stag prince effect and doing just that should\t be too hard, just replicate the same things and stick it to a different weapon but I want to in game have a weapon that improves in damage done after killing X amount of enemies, the hardest art is probably the script.


I found the script within "dlc2MerchEnchWeapBowOfTheStagPrince", this is what it said

Scriptname dlc2MerchBowOfStagPrinceIncSCRIPT extends ActiveMagicEffect  



EVENT OnEffectStart(ACTOR target, ACTOR caster)
	victim = target


EVENT OnDying(ACTOR killer)
		animalsKilled.SetValue(animalsKilled.GetValue() + 1)



My first idea was to change animalIsKilled to PeopleKilled but I wonder if CreaturesKilled includes all enemies, rather then just the people. However I got stumped on HasKeyword AnimalType, I have no clue what to replace that with, Sorry for bothering y'all, I am not too good with scripts.

use the keyword actortypeNPC for people

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