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Hi folks!


So i completed dawnguard the other day, did the vamp side and all that. Now im having some trouble with aruiels bow, namely that shooting the sun with bloodcursed arrows dosent trigger the darken effect. can be because i miss cause i have a hard time seeing the sun using realistic lighting, and it might be because its just bugged out. i belive the later cause i have, not exagerating, fired atleast 200 arrows up into the sky where i belive the sun to be and around it and just anywhere that is a tad bit brighter then the rest. ive also tierd turning of realistic lighting but to no avail. i have been able to trigger the effect once, but not again.


sooooooo there i was wondering if it was possible for someone to make the darken effect into a vampire lord power. this would make my day!

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