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PrinceRetro100 - Formal warning issued

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PrinceRetro100 has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason:


Harassing and insulting another user via the Nexus personal messenger service



Message title: You lied about something on your mod


„That's right dragon cliff manor you said a dragon and bandits were there but nope they were no bandits and no dragon named falcor but I know you've lied just for fun but I'm not amused so I figured I call you out as a liar since you disabled the comments on your mod at Bethesdas website because you didn't want no one addressing you lying about that but you seem to forgot about the contact box here. Whoops“



Terms and conditions/Policies and Guidelines, Forum and Commenting Guidelines (excerpt):



Be Civil!


We do not tolerate 'trolling' or harassment of any kind. …


• Do not post personally or generally insulting remarks towards someone else, or a group of people.





This warning was issued for what took place here




Restrictions in place

As part of the warning, PrinceRetro100 has had the following restrictions placed on his or her account:


This user cannot send private messages for 7 days




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