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Hair "Shape" when wearing headwear?

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Just wondering if anyone could tell me what actually effects a hair mesh to which "Flattened" look you get?


The Hair I use is a tied ponytail and when a hat is equipped I get the "Bun" look but I prefer the straight sweeped look. Eg. of what I mean.



The Shojo Race hairs are pakaged into a .BSA so they work right but I have a feeling it is something to do with the Files with the Mesh itself....


If anyone can give me any info I would appreciate it.



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Properly made hair meshes contain two objects, named "Hat" and "NoHat." The NoHat object is the regular hair object displayed by the game engine when you are not wearing a hat or helmet that uses the Hair body-slot. The "Hat" object is the flat-pressed object displayed when you are wearing a hat or helmet that occupies the Hair slot.


You can replace the Hat object with one from another hair mesh, but you can't use a separate texture for the two objects.

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