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Custom Weapons


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I'm looking for someone who is happy to make some custom weapons and texture them and make them compatible with new vegas for a private mod and a to be public mod. Credit will be given to those who help with public mod, if your in my private mod, most likely I'll ask you to help with the public mod.


Please note; I would like the for some specific weapons to look similar to their default counterparts whilst being clearly another weapon and some to be based off of some amazing already out there mods... I just want them to be custom even further basically...





If I haven't made any sense here simply private chat me or send me a forum message. I will RASP and try to explain in more detail

Edited by icecoldgamer69
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Sorry I missed your PM Icecoldgamer69, Nexus has been kinda funky as of late and my mailbox is pretty jacked at the best of times. I'm trying to slow down on requests because I'm starting some larger projects (with a team). But if you give me a better idea what you have in mind, maybe I can help out.
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