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weapon and armour truble


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Wonder if any one can help it seems that all mods for amour and weapons appear invisible in the game. I can find them, buy and steal them. It makes no difference when I put them on, or hold them there simply not there. Any clues?

Many Thanks if you take the time to try and help.


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Welcome to Tesnexus.


This sounds like a missing mesh problem. Most mods that add a new object to the game need 3 files minimum to define that object to the game. 1 mesh and 2 textures. The mesh is the shape of the object, and the texture is the skin or paint layer that covers the mesh.


If a mesh is missing you will get a 3D yellow block with a purple exclamation point where it was supposed to be. If the textures are missing, either the object will be invisible or it will be a flat purple color. Some unzip programs will not completely install a mod right - Winzip is one. Use either FREE 7-zip or Winrar, a pay unzip program with a free trial.


Look in your data folder for a folder that has the name of your mod. If it is there, it was installed wrong. What you need to do is move the file named meshes to the meshes folder in the data folder. if it gives a message asking about overwriting, answer Yes.


Then move the folder named textures to the textures folder in the data folder.

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Also if the folders don't exist there yet, just copy the 'textures' and 'meshes' folder to the x:\xxx\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data, you most likely won't see the folders being there yet if you haven't installed weapon and/or armour mods before(correctly) since the Oblivion normally uses BSA packs and thus the folders aren't needed, before you add plugins to the game, that is.
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