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Can someone help me fix my DarnifiedUI screwup?


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So I recently went and installed DarnifiedUI, and after realizing I had to install Mod Configuration Menu first for it to work properly I went to uninstall DarnifiedUI. I was stupid however, and didn't realize that I should have probably backed up my FALLOUT.INI, FALLOUTPrefs.INI, and FALLOUT_default.INI folders. So now I can't really uninstall DarnifiedUI because I don't have the default game fonts that were in those .INI's before I changed them. Can anyone without a UI mod please give me a pastebin link or something of the sort with the default fallout fonts in it? I would really appreciate it.


Edit: I'm an idiot, I just realized that the originals are still in the file, just nullified. Sorry for taking up space on the forums...

Edited by lDarkStreak
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