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What's wrong with this script?


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Update - Made additional variables that are essentially duplicates of the global variables I am trying to update, then just added the two together. Works like a charm.


-Edit- Didn't work like I thought it did. Here's how I remedied the issue though....


Moved Stat Distribution in MCM from Getallstats Function to MessageBox answer


Introduced 59 new global variables, 1 per level up, this way I know for certain, that you will only gain stats ONCE per level up.


Some other minor changes to clean up the code a bit.


-Edit2- Upon further investigation, I realized that all of this is just because I'm a total retard. I have the Getallstats function right there on the MCM load page, so every time I'd load the MCM it would set the stats. Lesson to be learned here people; don't be like Rizalgar.

Edited by Rizalgar
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