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A couple of mod requests!


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Hello, I have a few mod requests to make so I thought that I could put it here.


First off, I can't possible be the only one that thought that the new horse addition in dawnguard, the skeleton horse Arvak, looked horrible, so I am therefor asking someone out there to make a complete remodel (and retexture) to him, because he definitely deserves to look good as the ability to summon him is quite handy sometimes.


Secondly, a similar request to my first one. I didn't really like how the vampire lords looked and they are also rather clumsy (too big I guess).

This can be solved with a remodel and perhaps a decrease in size as well? Or perhaps they should be big so that they look extra terrifying.


Another thing I found interest in today was a complete racial overhault on all of the races.

The mod Khajiit Sense of Smell made me realize that the racials are useless on most of the races and they should have something that you acctually do use sometimes.

- Khajiit's should have this thing so they will sense nereby people like the linked mod provides, and perhaps a power to use their cat ears to hear footsteps further away. (a comment in the sense of smell came up with something similar).

- Nords could have less cooldown on all shouts.

- Argonians could perhaps have a higher swimspeed and have enhanced vision under water (I think that the swimspeed is already in the game by default but perhaps it could be increased alittle), as long as it keeps lore-friendly and balanced it should be fine. We don't want it too be too powerful!

- One more thing that should exsist is "sense of smell" for vampires too, they have enhanced senses in lore and vampires in the game are already quite weak (except for the vampire lord).

- Werewolves also needs a buff on their abilitys!


Might add some more requests in the future! :)


Edit: Just found a mod which might be what I was looking for in my 3rd request (Racial overhault). Racial Ability n Power Tweeks Seems to have almost the same as I was requesting here! :)

Edited by zewix
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