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Suggest some mods please


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Before anyone starts with something that they think is pretty witty and funny, where I'm living now has terrible internets and most of my web surfing is done either at the public library (who put in a Big Brother program to make sure you only get an hour a day, no matter how few people are in the library) or on my phone (which has absolute crap for signal here, and will be canceled and replaced as soon as I can afford to do so). Needless to say, spending hours finding the mods I want isn't much of an option. Once I know what to look for, I can start the download, go do something else, and come back to the computer in a couple days when it's done.


I put NV on my system and then promptly forgot about it. Got busy with things like X3: Terran Conflict, work, playing Battlefield on Playstation, moving, that kind of thing. So I have NO mods right now, and from what I remember of the little I played NV, it needed mods to be basically playable (in my opinion, of course).


Some of the mods I have for FO3 are Darnified UI, FWE, 20th Century Weapons, Book of Earache, Talon Company Improved, Vault Dweller Survival Perk Pack, a texture pack whose name I cant remember, and a few of the good quest mods.


Help me out here, if you would. Suggest some NV mods that are kind of the same as the FO3 mods I listed.



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Been a while since I played New Vegas, but I'll give it a shot.


Project Nevada is probably the most important for me. It is to NV what FWE is to FO3, huge gameplay improvements and lots of items added.

NMC's Texture Pack is also available for NV as it is for FO3.

Personally I haven't tried Weapon Retexture Project yet, but I will on my next playthrough. Makes weapons look sweeeeet.

If you're into companions Willow is a good bet. Hell, check it out even if you're not into companions, she's really, really awesome.

For weather I usually use Project Reality

Unified HUD Project also definitely deserves a mention. Immersive HUD set to hide all UI elements makes for a great experience.

Weapon Mod Menu improves the menu for attaching mods to weapons.

I've been hearing good things about New Vegas Bounties, lets you hunt bad guys all over the Wasteland.


That is what I remember off the top of my head. Then there's dozens of other small mods that I usually install but don't remember.


Try and take a look at each category and sort by endorsements descending. This will give you a quick overview of some of the best and most popular mods.

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Veronica http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/41617

I still haven't found a good Cass yet, but http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/41687 is certainly up to the list.


Must have (personal favourite)

DollHouse http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/44662

Monster Mod http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/41361

Willow and New Vegas Bounties had already been mentioned.

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