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1-handing 2-handers


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I want a mod which lets you wield a greatsword, warhammer or battleaxe in a single hand. I've spend the better part of the past 60 minutes trying to make one myself, but to no avail...


What I'd like it to be is a 1-handed weapon using the 2-handed models and sounds, with statistics somewhere in between (except for value, weight, reach and recipe, since it's 'physically' the same weapon as the actual 2-hander, just wielded in a single hand).


Can anyone tell me how it's done (and, if you're feeling generous, do it for me).



I already searched for a mod that would to what I want it to, but haven't found a suitable one yet.

This one doesn't like to be installed. BOSS_API_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: BladeMod.esp, is what it said (BladeMod being my attempt at 1-handed 2-handers).

And this one has (I guess) the same issue that my try had (Dual-wielding two-handers, albeit using animations as though you're holding only one).

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It's difficult because the models used for 2-handers are specifically told to act like 2-handers. If you use the CK and tell a greatsword to act like a 1-hander, it'll stay stuck in the PC's back while he wields a non-existent sword. It's possible to change the meshes of the 2-handers individually to act like a 1-hander using NifSkope. Then use CK to make a new 1-handed sword with the newly edited mesh.
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I can't figure out how to convince the 2-handed model to become 1-handed. You're supposed to change WeaponBack into WeaponSide or something, but the tutorial that said so dated from May 2011 or something.


Almost :)


WeaponBack to either WeaponSword, WeaponAxe or WeaponDagger, whichever weapon it should behave like. :)

From there on its pretty much off to the CK and telling it to use either 1handed animations, add the right weapontype and edit the stats.

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How do I edit that line then? The number behind it is, as far as I can see, all I can edit.


If you click the line one, then press F3, a so called "Detail block" should pop up at the bottom of your screen.

You'll find that same "WeaponBack" in there. click the small "TXT" icon next to it, and enter "WeaponSword" in the window that pops up :)



Post 666... :devil: Muhahaha! :tongue:

Edited by Urwy
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