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Lighting Problems


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I just got into modding and i'm trying to get started but i'm having some pretty annoying problems with lighting. i got my lighting template started and placed onto my cell but once i've added it everything turns Green and purple, i'm guessing that it comes from the directional lighting but i have no idea how to change/fix it. it's really annoying thanks for any help.
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Cell design is not really my speciality, but I would definitely recommend that you post some screenshots of your settings in the CK and the unwanted effect. That'll give folks a better idea of what you're dealing with.
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I had a similar problem with one of my custom made lights but my light which pulsed would pulse from their regular shade to black. I think the problem was some of my settings for it like intensity amplitude were set too high. Look at the settings for other lights to get a feel for what your settings should be.


I think it is either that or you have it set to detect the number of lights hitting a surface. Does it look like this picture? http://www.creationkit.com/images/9/9e/OptimizationFig3.jpg


If so then all you need to do is disable that. Take a look at this tutorial to learn how: http://www.creationkit.com/Bethesda_Tutorial_Optimization

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