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Fortify Enchantment potions not working


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Every single Fortify Enchantment potion that I've used hasn't raised the power of my enchantments at all. For example, I'm trying to put on a Fortify Health/Stamina Regen on a piece of armor, but the the Fortify Enchanting potion doesn't raise it any higher than what it stays at than when I try to enchant something with no potions. It always stays at 58% no matter what the potion strength.


The only mods I use that I think could effect Enchanting are Skyrim -Community- Uncapper and Enchant Freedom Lite which is on Steam.

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Anyone know how to fix this?


Maybe the item which can be enchant-able by the mod is not fully scripted right? or maybe you already enchanted the item with powerful potions before. You could always try making a test save and deactivate the mod unless the item is only enchant-able by the mod.

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