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Adding Lots of Items; Discussion for Best Route


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My plan is to add roughly seven items where before there was only one.

For Instance, where before there was Iron Sword, now there will be: Terrible Iron Sword, Iron Sword, Godly Iron Sword (but seven).


What I would like to do is adjust both Attack Damage and Attack Speed on these items to adjust their overall dps. Unfortunately, the damage bases for items in Skyrim are very low and they must be declared as integers(no decimals).

examples: Iron Sword: 7 damage, Steel Sword: 8 damage, Orcish Sword: 9 damage.

This leaves no room for these items to split up.


So I concocted a crazy scheme where I multiply every damage in the game by 10. Following that, every health is also multiplied by 10. As you can imagine, just doing that would be a lot of work. I would have to overwrite the health of every NPC. At first I thought I could use the iAVDhmsLevelUp game setting, but it also increases stamina and magicka pools where I only need Health. Following that change, I'm sure there would also be a TON of other things I have to try and match with the new damage and health levels. (potions, werewolf damage and regen, almost every spell effect)

In short, it was a crazy scheme.


The other option I've come up with is only changing the Attack Speed for each weapon. The idea leaves a bad taste in my mouth because it is less interesting and I feel it would make me notice the combat system of "click as fast as I can while looking at the enemy" even more noticeable. Even worse, the player is unable to tell which sword is better than the others. (The damage showed is rounded, and all the damage for the 7 iron swords are still going to round to seven damage).


Even while I type this I am wondering if I can achieve what I want through the blacksmithing improvement system somehow. You never find Flawless Iron Swords lying about. I can already feel the problems by relying on that system too heavily. (Players can overwrite the improvement, without the perk you would lose the improvement with an enchantment). But I will probable look into that at a later time as well.


So anyway, are there more options I haven't thought of? Would you do it one of the ways I've explained, but differently? Would you do it one of the ways I've explained? I wanna hear how you others would go about this.

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