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Wyre Smash 300


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This question is for those who understand Wyre Smash 300.

Right after installation a dialog box appeared. I missed what it said except for something about installers. As I started to read it my finger twitched on my hair trigger mouse and selected one of the options for that dialog box. Now my installers tab is completely blank even tho I have a ton of mods. What have I done? Is there a way to get the box to appear again so I can make an informed decision?


Thank you for your time,


"Make your own luck"

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When you first go to the installers tab, Wrye Bash asks if you want to enable installers. If you said no, the tab will be empty.

Right click the installer window, and select 'enabled' to enable installers. Make sure that the mod archives are placed in ..Skyrim Mods\Bash Installers.

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When you first go to the installers tab, Wrye Bash asks if you want to enable installers. If you said no, the tab will be empty.

Right click the installer window, and select 'enabled' to enable installers. Make sure that the mod archives are placed in ..Skyrim Mods\Bash Installers.


Thank you Ghaunadaur


<div><br></div><div>Wait one second....</div><div>When you say mod archives, what exactly do you mean? I'm not sure what a mod archive is. (I'm not new to the Nexus (joined 2009) but I am delving deeper into modding lately and need a refresher every now and then. Mostly I don't know the terminology even though I know the mechanics , if that makes any sense.</div><div><br></div><div>squibjb66</div>

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Wait one second.When you say mod archives, what exactly do you mean? I'm not sure what a mod archive is. (I'm not new to the Nexus (joined 2009) but I am delving deeper into modding lately and need a refresher every now and then. Mostly I don't know the terminology even though I know the mechanics , if that makes any sense.


This is what the edit says lol

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It simply means the .zip, .rar or .7z archive you downloaded from the nexus. If the archive has the proper file structure (and most mods have it) you can install it with Wrye Bash Installer. Just copy the archive to the said folder or drag it to the installer window, this will copy or move the file to the right folder.

The mod should now listed in the installer window. To install it, right click the file and select 'install'. If the mod even comes with a scripted bash installer (this is very rare, indicated by the magic-wand-icon) you can select 'wizard' to start the installation process.

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