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Deleted a mod, deleted essential animation by accident (I think)


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It was my understanding that the game will always remain intact even if you delete some files from the data folder. Like, say you deleted a animation file, the default animation file will play.


Problem is, its not playing. I'm up to date on my version and my companion is running around like a stiff airplane with her arms and legs panned out as if she were making snow angels in the air. I believe I may have found a solution but I'm troubleshooting many mods right now and rushing to this solution may cause issues unforeseen problems. I need a passive sword animation, with it out. Whenever I sheath it and walk normally, she operates like a normal npc. This may effect other npcs as well, haven't checked. I could download a custom one from the nexus here or I could unpack the data packages in my /data folder. Thing is, I forgot how to do that and it might take all night :\.


-What do you guys think of this solution, could it work?

-What is the name of the animation for both male and female running/walking stances in the Skyrim directory?

-Could you offer a link for a custom sword-out animation if you've found one?


I installed the PC exclusive mod here: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/14871 . Found out after installing it that it was for custom race player-avatars, not say.. wood elves :P


Whats your say ladies/gents on my solution? I'm not sure if it'll work.

*typing this before I go to bed, hoping I'll read some consul to wake up to*


I appreciate your time, you have my thanks for reading and posting.

Edited by evolvedbullet1
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