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Visible weapons when not equipped.


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Hello there,


This strikes me when playing a wizard. In Oblivion a wizard can have a dagger or a staff equipped but never use it. If you remember we can use magic without drawing our hands. So we have a necromancer with a dagger (to open bodies), a Warmage with a sword, ...


In Skyrim, you can't do this because spells are used as weapons. So I was thinking, can't we make a mod that show on the body of the player all the favorites weapons. (I really don't know if it's possible, I mean I have absolutly no knowledge in modding)

Or maybe with a enchantment.


The goal is to make decorative weapons that's just esthetic (and a bit roleplay) it doesn't modify the gameplay.


This can ba applied on a Barbarian with a a waraxe, a dagger and a two-handed axe.

A Warmage with a staff, a greatsword and a dagger

and the list goes on.


Let me know if it's possible and what you think of it.

Have a nice day.


(from France)

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