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Deadly Reflex 4_03


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I just got Deadly Reflex 4_03 and its in my Mod Manager, everything seemed fine but now when i play Oblivion everything is black, or there is an error and it kicks me out of the game instantly, i think it requires something else to run it, but im not sure...


Does anyone know how to fix this problem? i would very much appreciate it :thumbsup:

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Heyo man, Dude I have the same problem, don't get Deadly Reflexes, Get Location Damage, It's A LOT better, better effect and game play, and no bugs that I have come across yet. As for the errors, No idea dude, But you do have to arrange them in a certain order. If you want to just quit while your ahead and get Location Damage then delete all the Deadly Reflexes, Or I think the order was:


Oblivion.esp(Master File have it on first)


Horseback combat


[Any other mods that don't involve DR]


Mounted Spell Casting


[One of the Timed Block + DMG]


then Combat Damage


That worked for me, Your clothes may go invisible or other bugs, but like I said, You still can delete it.


Peace dude.

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Yep, Ripper's advice is top notch. You wouldn't believe the number of help threads Deadly Reflex has spawned. Locational Damage works great, as does the Duke Patrick mods for combat(pick and choose from among all his mods). Also, get damage text, a separate mod but goes with locational damage and tells you in HP how much damage you're doing each hit.
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