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how to get "Clip Rounds" of ammo reference dropped in the gameworld


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As the title says, I need to get the "Clip rounds" value of an ammo reference dropped on the ground. Basically ammo in the gameworld is either dropped by the player or existing as a reference of the base ammo objects. The problem is that if I use Activate to pick it up I only get a single bullet regardless of how many bullets there are. The Ammo dialog has a clip rounds field and this description:


Clip rounds: The number of rounds of ammo the object contains when placed in the world. Using the "Count" value on a placed reference of the ammo overrides this number and uses the count instead.


This is the value I need


If there's some other way to use a script to activate the reference as to pick up all the bullets, I'd be interested in that too.

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Thank you for the answer. Unfortunately I don't see anything that can help me. Maybe I'm just bad.


I am trying to get the ammo count from a single ammo reference, dropped in the gameworld. GetClipSize requires a weapon to work, as far as I can tell and as such I "suppose" is of no use to me.


If you drop ammo in the gameworld when hovering over it you see the count in the ui. There's a single reference though and I want to get that same count through scripting.






All ammo base objects have "Clip Rounds" (check the image). That's what I am trying to get from an ammo ref in the gameworld, not in a container. Or just use scripting to activate the ref as to receive all the Rounds not just one as it happens with ammoRef.Activate Player 0/1

Edited by lasere200
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