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Question about Noble Couslands of Ferelden


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misread question. nothing to see here, move along...


I just took a brief glance at the mod you linked to... there are two versions: a conprehensive overhaul of the NPCs and the player character, and one that only affects the player character.


If you omit the the files that have the *.UTC extension that are common to both versions, that will keep the gear from being equipped by default. If you are certain that the PC gear is not used by any of the NPCs too, you could also omit the *.UTI files.


*.UTC > User Template for Creatures
*.UTI > User Template for Items

Edited by theskymoves
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I took a look inside the file folder and -thankfully- the names are pretty specific for most of them. Any significant characters have their own files, so I won't accidentally remove something from them as far as I can tell. Thanks :smile: I wasn't sure what I was looking at so I wanted to be sure before messing around with it.

Edited by LadyDeath1138
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