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Need help removing brows from custom race


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I am currently using the Numenume Elf Ears female headmesh for the females and the Epic Elves maleheadraces.tri to give the males elf ears. The problem is that the Epic Elves maleheadraces.tri requires the Breton "morph" to be set on the race to work and when I do that it messes up any eyebrows using the vanilla femalebrow.nif.


It's not really a serious problem because I am using a custom brow.nif that works just fine with all the textures that use it but I can't seem to remove the base/vanilla eyebrows from being accessible in the showracemenu during character creation. I would just like to remove them, if it's possible, for ascetic reasons since players may think its a bug because of the way they look.


I have tried disabling the brows in the CK race menu here:



Here is what the vanilla 10-12 eyebrows look like, it's why I want to remove them:



And here is what eyebrows look like when using the custom mesh:


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