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Working for Rewards


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There is a lot of mods out there that simply give you stuff, allows you to craft stuff, or simply puts stuff in the game for you to find and get for free. Mods like the Immersive Armours. Castle Grey, Silver Dragon Armour, Diamond Weapons, Draedic Lord Armour, Power of the Gods and Master of Time and Space to name but a few.


Some people like that. Others I am sure, don't.


I am one of the latter, and I wish to change that. However, I am no modder, hence why I am posting here.


My idea is rather simple, get the permission of the mod's author to either modify or make a patch (or something) for their mods, then make a quest or several in order to earn the right to own such impressive homes, to find such powerful weapons, armours and spells or to be able to craft such exotic weapons or armour.


Because of the scale of this idea, I honestly doubt it will get taken up on. If it does however, I am willing to help. Though I am unable to help with the mods themselves, I believe I might be able to help with the story behind the quests.

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