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Rank the Deadric Princes in order of Evil


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im not yet completed all the deadric quest..but so far, I hink the most evil for my standard is bothiah, then mehrunes dagon. azura and nocturnal I like them...azura is kind while nocturnal like a mother who scold their bad child for their own good. (so sweet)
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I actually will try to guess where Jyggaalag would be ranked. He seems to have a very rigid sense of order to the point where he is not evil but certainly not good due to probably doing anything even killing people to get his supposed order.

This is all of course assuming after Shivering Isles the new Sheogorath or even all the Daedric Princes didn't force him to merge again with the new Sheogorath or give him a new curse.


17 Sanguine

16 Meridia

15 Malacanth

14 Hermaeus Mora

13 Azura

12 Nocturnal

11 Jyggalag

10 Hircine

9 Sheogorath

8 Namira

7 Clavicus Vile

6 Peryite

5 Vaermina

4 Mephala

3 Boethiah

2 Molag Bal

1 Mehrunes Dagon

Edited by The7Sins
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I have to partially disagree with Enatiomorph. At least some of the Daedra seem to understand the concepts of good and evil (Azura and Meridia, for instance). For the most part, though, I do agree. They are what they are. It's like saying a cat is evil because it kills mice and leaves the bodies lying around, uneaten. However, going by the assumption that good/evil is as good/evil does, my ranking from most evil to least evil, and basing it on the Daedra as presented in Skyrim and not in Oblivon, I'd have to go with the following:


1 Boethia

2 Peryite

3 Namira

4 Molag Bal

5 Vaermina

6 Merunes Dagon

7 Mephala

8 Sanguine

9 Malacath

10 Hircine

11 Clavicus Vile

12 Hermaeus Mora

13 Sheogorath

14 Nocturnal

15 Meridia

16 Azura


Some of these choices were pretty hard, since they rank very close together on my own scale of good vs. evil, but the top and bottom of the list are clusters of definitely evil and definitely good, at least the way I see it.

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Shor has to be top 5, he trolled the entire Nord race about Sovngarde.


Not Daedric. Also wtf? You go there in the game lol.


I wonder, why do people rank Peryite so high. Is it because he is the personification of the answer to overpopulation, culling humanity for the good of the planet?

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