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Follower Outfit Control System


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Here's my wishlist:

  • Auto equip custom selectable nightwear (including nude) before sleeping
  • Auto equip back into previous outfit after waking
  • Auto strip nude (or nevernude undies) when swimming/bathing
  • Auto equip previous outfit when exiting swimming/bathing
  • Auto random equip from clothing group (populated by custom choices) when not in combat, with sub-groups for home, cold/wet outdoors, warm/dry outdoors, warm indoors (inns), and cold indoors (dungeons). Optionally turn off random selection and always just use a single user selectable outfit from each sub-group, matched to locale
  • Auto equip combat gear only when entering combat or when instructed directly
  • Auto unequip combat gear, including shields, weapons, ammo and headgear, when exiting combat, and re-equip outfit matched to current locale
  • Allow locking current or selectable outfit until manually released

Some of this is already covered by other mods, but it'd be nice to have a single system for dealing with it all.

Also, just to be clear, this has to work on both active followers and dismissed followers who normally live in your home, including housecarls, stewards, spouses and bards. A mechanism to import custom followers into the outfit management framework would also be good.

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