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Problem with an eye.


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My character is a male Imperial Vampire, Vampire lord that is, and there is a problem with his Left eye. It looks as if there is a non-vampire eye inside of it, or rather in the same place and they are overlapping. The right eye is perfectly fine.


I have a few mods for male bodies and faces, some hair mods, I use Belua Sanguinare Revisted as my vampire mod. Could these be causing the problem or is it something else?


Now this isn't exactly a major problem but it is very annoying.


Any suggestions?


It does not seem to be happening to any other Vampires, at least the ones in Harkon's court. Serana is just PEACHY with her non-glitched eyes, mocking me.


Edit: After messing around with some mods its gone, stupid glitched eye.

Edited by Mechane
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