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land duplication error


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has anyone heard of this or know how to fix this? I have my own personal mod, nested between dive rock, aerins camp, and temple of the ancestor moths. It is actually on the same mountain as TAM, but to the right and way up. i recently downloaded the silgrad tower mod, and had to fix some issues with it conflicting with my mod. now, since i am no longer using the mod, i am having some issues with my mod ( i dont know if it happened before, i didnt see it) and i am unable to prevent the error. it wouldnt be a big deal, but it messes up some of the terrain around my mod. it causes the edge of one of the big squares to not conform to the terrain around it, but the discrepancy doesnt show up in the CS.


i tried using the details in the CS, but wasnt sure where to find the error.


any ideas?

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