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Can't talk to main quest NPCs


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This problem just happened with the mission "Message to Whiterun". I'm on the part where I have to return the axe to Ulfric, but whenever I go there, I can't talk to him. I can however talk to guards and other people. I decided to try the Moonpath to Elsweyr quest line to do some unbroken quests. But when I got to Elsweyr, I can't talk to Yura, the person I need to talk to to continue the quest. It seems like I can't talk to any character that's needed to continue a quest. I had this before where I had to talk to the person in Markarth to do the first Dark Brotherhood assassination, and I couldn't talk to her, so I reloaded a save and continued without rejoining the Dark Brotherhood, and it worked fine. Now whenever I reload a save the same thing happens. Here's a video: www.youtu.be/UcMavLKGZ48 Edited by Mugabuga
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What mods did you install before this started happening? Also, did you download patch 1.7?

I've got 1.7 (I'm pretty sure Steam automatically installs it), and I don't think it's any specific mod as I've tried disabling them all, and it still does this.

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