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Serana Can't Follow Me Anymore


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So my objective is to fill up an elven jar five times in five separate locations. I was freezing to death because of the Frostfall mod so I told Serana to "stay here" so she can cook, sleep, or whatever else near our campsite. Once I woke up, I intended her to follow me again. Sadly, there isn't any option for her to return to my aid. She just stands there by herself, and there's nothing I could do about it except command her to wait in particular locations.


The only mods that I have that involves followers is the Move It Dammit mod-- no UFO or anything similar. I did have the ability for Serana to return to me again before this moment, so I doubt it's that mod's fault. So what could be the problem? Maybe there's a console command so she can follow me again?

Edited by Tru3_Blu3
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prid xx002B74

moveto player


xx002B74 = Ref ID

xx002B6C = Base ID incase it requires it.


It should work.


EDIT: If the IDs are invalid, try "help Serana 4", the ID should be posted at the last sentences. It showed for me as 02002b6c

Edited by cycloney911
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