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Enclave Command Inventory Editing


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I recently tried to edit the inventories of the US army in the GECK (For Enclave Commander NV edition) and once I saved, and loaded the game - all the new armour I assigned them was gone [This armour was from a mod I was using] - I did load the mod so that shouldn't be the issue.

So I reloaded the file in the GECK - and this armour was gone from their inventories.


I tried again and the same thing happened:/


Any help would be appreciated.

Edited by theonlysos11
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There's two ways of doing it.

1. open the geck, double click on the EC esm file, then click on the armor mod and set it as 'active'. Edit the soldier inventory. This adds EC as a master to the armor plugin and saves all changes in the armor plugin


2. Set the esm bit in the armor plugin. leave the extension as esp. Open the Geck, double click the EC master and double-click the armor plugin. Make your edits. When you hit 'save', you will be prompted for a file name. All your edits will be in this file and it will have the other two files as masters. Remember to tick the new file in NMM or FOMM. You can un-set the esm bit in the armor plugin afterwards, but if you forget and load up the new plugin in the Geck - it will break the master relationship when you save.

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