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Glass Cannon mode/game speed/how to tweak damage numbers?


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Hi, i was wondering if it was possible to put in a glass cannon mode?

What this would mean is that enemies deal more damage but so do you, ie 100% or 200% damage increase for you and 50%-100% for your adversaries.

Also can someone point me where people can speed up the game? I saw soem guy playing turbo mode, basically like in dmc but i just couldnt find the mod anywhere.

Alternatively can someone help me access files of the game so maybe this can be done without mods and you just tweak damage numbers in the ingame files?


The reason behind this is i am ng+5 and would kinda wanna deal absurd damage (more than on ng) but also die in pretty much one hit so you get through fights and subsequent ng cycles quicker, maybe while even not use the idols at all, this could make the game more interesting imo.

What do you think?
Thanks in advance

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