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Journal Menu Scaling


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Recently reinstalled Morrowind and am encountering a glitch I've never seen before. When I open the 'Options' menu in the Journal, the bookmark graphic is drastically scaled up, so that the 'Quests', 'Topics', and 'Cancel' buttons are hidden somewhere below the edge of the screen.



I'm running very light on mods. I'm using the latest version of the Morrowind Code Patch, MGE XE, and Morrowind Enhanced Textures. I did have to uninstall Better Dialogue Font because I was getting word-wrap issues after installing MGE XE, however, so that might well have something to do with it.

Anyone have any ideas?

Edit: Nevermind. It appears to be a problem with Morrowind Enhanced Textures. I replaced 'tx_menubook_bookmark.dds' with one from a different mod, and now the scaling is fine and the buttons are visible. Hope this helps anyone who has the same problem!

Edited by Jaig
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