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[LE] Sound Script

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if i run -> int instanceID = mySFX.play(self)


is there any way to get

1 - Time left to finish playing this sound

2 - actual Volume * SetInstanceVolume

3 - Object... ugh... this mySFX object ID xD

#BadEnglish :3 hyhy




ofc. i know that i set this mySFX object as sound source

but i want to generate it randomly ( one of many items in array will be source )

{ also they can be added by spell xD }


my english is potato so i can't explain perfectly what i want xD

but plz don't waste time for anything else than functions for things i ask :D



im asking for something like this:

int ABC = instanceID.GetTimeLeft()

int ABC = instanceID.GetVolume()

int ABC = instanceID.GetSource()


but those functions are not working xDDD lel

Edited by TobiaszPL
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Ok other question,

if i use PlayAndWait and then i use StopInstance it will work?


i don't have any sounds on this PC so i can't test T_T...


int InstanceID


State A

Event OnActivate( ObRef Ref )

GotoState( "B" )

InstanceID = PlayAndWait()




State B

Event OnActivate ObRef Ref )

StopInstance( InstanceID )

GoToState( "A" )




how about this? xD

will State B stop prev started Event and stop playing sound?

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