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[LE] What is wrong with my script ? :) [7]

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What is wrong with my Script? xD

i finally had some time so i was able to test my script


annnnnddd its not working... half working half not


Script "ToDo"

1) Turn Lights on

2) Wait

3) Turn Light off

4) if any lights left go to 2)

5) turn off


lights turn ON fine but disabling them are not working...


Amount of lights change so script is working fine but light and fire are still enabled but they should be disabled xD


here is script, few of you know this script already :D



Scriptname QLG_Script_SwitchLight extends ObjectReference  
{ Script to Light Up all Lights in List and turn them out after Time
	This script is created by TobiPL for Braverock 3 }
Import Sound
;===- Base Info. -===;
 ;Created: 2019-03-17
 ;Update: 2019-04-19
 ;Author: TobiPL
 ;Unit: M.PC<1>
;===- Var. setup -============================================
	Actor Property QPlayer Auto
	{ Player Ref. }
;===- Items Var. -===============================
	FormList Property QData auto
	{ List of Used items
		<< Order >>
		 :0: - Light
		 :1: - Light Effect
		 :2: - Static
		 :3: - Sound Marker }
	ObjectReference[] QDataArray
	Sound Property QSoundFireUp Auto
	{ Sound to Play on fire activate }
	Sound Property QSoundFireOut Auto
	{ Sound to Play on fire deactivate }

	Float Property QTurnOffDelay auto
	{ Time in GameH to Off Light, 0.5 Mean 30 Min }
	Float Property QTrunOffMin Auto
	{ Min. in GameH time to Off Light, after this use only Delay }
	GlobalVariable Property QDebug Auto
	{ Global, true/false to show Debug Notifications ! 
		please, use "QLG_DEBUG_SCRIPT" }
;===- Main Script -==============================
Event OnInit()
	If( QDebug as bool )
		Debug.Notification( "Starting Initialization" )
	If( FirstUse )
			FirstUse = false
	If( QFired )
		GoToState( "QState_Working" )
		GoToState( "QState_Ready" )
	If( QDebug as bool )
		Debug.Notification( "Initialization Finished" ) 
EndEvent;==- Var. List -==;
	Bool FirstUse = true
	State Wait
		; Do Nothing
State QState_Ready
	Event OnTriggerEnter( ObjectReference QRef )
		If( QRef != QPlayer )
		If( QDebug as bool )
		Debug.Notification( "Triggered QLG_Script_SwitchLight" ) 
		QFired = true;
		GoToState( "QState_Working" )
		RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTime( QTurnOffDelay + QTrunOffMin )
EndState;==- Var. List -==;
	Bool QFired = false;
State QState_Working
	Event OnUpdateGameTime()
		If( QLUpdateFire() )
			RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTime( QTurnOffDelay )
			If( QDebug as bool )
				Debug.Notification( "Update Fire, Fires left: " + AMT )
			QFired = false;
			GoToState( "QState_Ready" )
			If( QDebug as bool )
				Debug.Notification( "Fire out" )
EndState;==- Var. List -==;
Bool Function QLUpdateFire()
	Int Temp = QChain_GetRandomID()
	Int MyID = QChain_GetAt( Temp )
	ObjectReference[] TempArray
	TempArray = new ObjectReference [ 4 ]	; Light, Effect, Static, Sound
	TempArray[ 0 ] = QDataArray[ 4 * MyID ]
	TempArray[ 1 ] = QDataArray[ 4 * MyID + 1 ]
	TempArray[ 2 ] = QDataArray[ 4 * MyID + 2 ]
	TempArray[ 3 ] = QDataArray[ 4 * MyID + 3 ]
	QLPlayFireOut( TempArray )
	QChain_RemoveID( Temp )
		If( AMT == 0 )
			Return False
	Return true
EndFunction;==- Var. List -==;
Function QLFireUp()
	ObjectReference[] TempArray
	TempArray = new ObjectReference [ 4 ]	; Light, Effect, Static, Sound
	Int DataSize = QData.GetSize()
		DataSize /= 4
	Int i = 0
	While ( i < DataSize )
		TempArray[ 0 ] = QDataArray[ 4 * i ]
		TempArray[ 1 ] = QDataArray[ 4 * i + 1 ]
		TempArray[ 2 ] = QDataArray[ 4 * i + 2 ]
		TempArray[ 3 ] = QDataArray[ 4 * i + 3 ]
		QChain_Add( i )
		QLPlayFireUp( TempArray )
		Utility.Wait( 0.1 )
		i += 1
EndFunction;==- Var. List -==;
Function QLPlayFireUp( ObjectReference[] Data )
	Int SoundTemp = QSoundFireUp.Play( Data[2] )
		Data[0].Enable( true )		; Enable Light
		Data[1].Enable( true )		; Enable Effect
		Utility.Wait( 0.1 )		; Wait
		Data[1].Disable( true )		; Disable Effect
		Data[2].Enable( true )		; Enable Static
		Data[3].Enable()			; Enable Sound Marker
		Utility.Wait( 0.2 )		; Wait
	StopInstance( SoundTemp )
EndFunction;==- Var. List -==;
Function QLPlayFireOut( ObjectReference[] Data )
	Int SoundTemp = QSoundFireOut.Play( Data[2] )
		Data[2].Disable( true )		; Disable Static
		Utility.Wait( 0.3 )		; Wait
		Data[0].Disable( true )		; Disable Light
		Data[3].Disable( true )		; Disable Sound Marker
		Utility.Wait( 0.3 )		; Wait
	StopInstance( SoundTemp )
;===- Class QChain -=================================================
		; Item Structure ;		;
			Int[] NextID		; Next Item ID
			Int[] PrevID		; Prev Item ID
			Int[] RefID			; Value to Object ID
		; Free Strusture ;		;
			Int[] List			; List of Free IDs
			Int First			; First Free ID
		; Var. List ;			;
			Int LastUsed		; Last Used Item
			Int FirstID			; First Item
			Int LastID			; Last Item
			Int AMT				; Amount Of Items
			Int Size = 32		; Size of Array
Int Function QChain_GetRandomID()
	Int Temp = FirstID
	Int Rand = Utility.RandomInt( 0 , AMT )
	Int i = 0
		While ( I < Rand )
			Temp = NextID[ Temp ]
			i += 1
	Return Temp
Int Function QChain_GetAt( Int ID )
	Int i = 0
	Int ItemID = FirstID
		While ( I < AMT )
			ItemID = NextID[ FirstID ]
			If( ItemID == ID )
				Return RefID[ ItemID ]
			i += 1
	Return -1
Bool Function QChain_Add( int NewValue )
		If( AMT == Size )
			Return false
		int NewItemID = List[ First ]
		PrevID[ FirstID ] = NewItemID
		NextID[ LastID ] = NewItemID
		NextID[ NewItemID ] = FirstID
		PrevID[ NewItemID ] = LastID
		RefID[ NewItemID ] = NewValue
		LastID = NewItemID;
		First -= 1
		AMT += 1
		Return true
Bool Function QChain_RemoveID( int ID )
		If( AMT == 0 )
			Return false
		int ItemID = FirstID
		Int i = 0
		While ( i < AMT )
			If( ID == ItemID )
				AMT -= 1
				First += 1
				List[ First ] = ID
				NextID[ PrevID[ ItemID ] ] = NextID[ ItemID ]
				PrevID[ NextID[ ItemID ] ] = PrevID[ ItemID ]
				If( ItemID == FirstID )
						FirstID = NextID[ ItemID ]
				If( ItemID == LastID )
						LastID = PrevID[ ItemID ]
				Return true
			ItemID = NextID[ ItemID ]
			i += 1
	Return false
Function Constructor()
	NextID = new Int [ 32 ]
	PrevID = new Int [ 32 ]
	RefID = new Int [ 32 ]
	List = new Int [ 32 ]
	QDataArray = new ObjectReference [ 128 ]

	Int T = 0
	Int DataSize = QData.GetSize()
	While ( T < DataSize )
		QDataArray[ T ] = QData.GetAt( T ) as ObjectReference
		T += 1
	First = Size - 1
	Int i = 0
		While ( i < Size )
			List[i] = ( Size - i ) - 1 ;
			NextID[i] = 0;
			PrevID[i] = 0;
			RefID[i] = 1;
			i += 1
	AMT = 0;
	LastUsed = 0;
	FirstID = 0;
	LastID = 0;
;=============- QChain Class END -==============;
; Hello I'm Tobi and my Sexy Cat is Nicole !... 




but problem is probably around those functioons:


Function to Update fire: ( working fine, probably )



Bool Function QLUpdateFire()
	Int Temp = QChain_GetRandomID()
	Int MyID = QChain_GetAt( Temp )
	ObjectReference[] TempArray
	TempArray = new ObjectReference [ 4 ]	; Light, Effect, Static, Sound
	TempArray[ 0 ] = QDataArray[ 4 * MyID ]
	TempArray[ 1 ] = QDataArray[ 4 * MyID + 1 ]
	TempArray[ 2 ] = QDataArray[ 4 * MyID + 2 ]
	TempArray[ 3 ] = QDataArray[ 4 * MyID + 3 ]
	QLPlayFireOut( TempArray )
	QChain_RemoveID( Temp )
		If( AMT == 0 )
			Return False
	Return true




Function to play OFF: ( not working, change Amount ( VAR AMT ) but objects are still enabled )



Function QLPlayFireOut( ObjectReference[] Data )
	Int SoundTemp = QSoundFireOut.Play( Data[2] )
		Data[2].Disable( true )		; Disable Static
		Utility.Wait( 0.3 )		; Wait
		Data[0].Disable( true )		; Disable Light
		Data[3].Disable( true )		; Disable Sound Marker
		Utility.Wait( 0.3 )		; Wait
	StopInstance( SoundTemp )





any help pls? xD

why lights stay enabled???




ok something is bad with GetAt Function...


ofc. with my GetAt xD QChain_GetAT()


ok QChain_GetAT() is Good, its something wrong with QChain_GetRandom() xDD


ok... GetAt was bad and GetRandom was good :D lel xD


anyway here is working code:



Scriptname QLG_Script_SwitchLight extends ObjectReference  
{ Script to Light Up all Lights in List and turn them out after Time
	This script is created by TobiPL for Braverock 3 }
Import Sound
;===- Base Info. -===;
 ;Created: 2019-03-17
 ;Update: 2019-04-19
 ;Author: TobiPL
 ;Unit: M.PC<1>
;===- Var. setup -============================================
	Actor Property QPlayer Auto
	{ Player Ref. }
;===- Items Var. -===============================
	FormList Property QData auto
	{ List of Used items
		<< Order >>
		 :0: - Light
		 :1: - Light Effect
		 :2: - Static
		 :3: - Sound Marker }
	ObjectReference[] QDataArray
	Sound Property QSoundFireUp Auto
	{ Sound to Play on fire activate }
	Sound Property QSoundFireOut Auto
	{ Sound to Play on fire deactivate }

	Float Property QTurnOffDelay auto
	{ Time in GameH to Off Light, 0.5 Mean 30 Min }
	Float Property QTrunOffMin Auto
	{ Min. in GameH time to Off Light, after this use only Delay }
	GlobalVariable Property QDebug Auto
	{ Global, true/false to show Debug Notifications ! 
		please, use "QLG_DEBUG_SCRIPT" }
;===- Main Script -==============================
Event OnInit()
	If( QDebug as bool )
		Debug.Notification( "Starting Initialization" )
	If( FirstUse )
			FirstUse = false
	If( QFired )
		GoToState( "QState_Working" )
		GoToState( "QState_Ready" )
	If( QDebug as bool )
		Debug.Notification( "Initialization Finished" ) 
EndEvent;==- Var. List -==;
	Bool FirstUse = true
	State Wait
		; Do Nothing
State QState_Ready
	Event OnTriggerEnter( ObjectReference QRef )
		If( QRef != QPlayer )
		If( QDebug as bool )
		Debug.Notification( "Triggered QLG_Script_SwitchLight" ) 
		QFired = true;
		GoToState( "QState_Working" )
		RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTime( QTurnOffDelay + QTrunOffMin )
EndState;==- Var. List -==;
	Bool QFired = false;
State QState_Working
	Event OnUpdateGameTime()
		If( QLUpdateFire() )
			RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTime( QTurnOffDelay )
			If( QDebug as bool )
				Debug.Notification( "Update Fire, Fires left: " + AMT )
			QFired = false;
			GoToState( "QState_Ready" )
			If( QDebug as bool )
				Debug.Notification( "Fire out" )
EndState;==- Var. List -==;
Bool Function QLUpdateFire()
	Int Rand = QChain_GetRandomID()
	If( QDebug as bool )
		Debug.Notification( "Fire Update, ID: " + Rand )
	ObjectReference[] TempArray
	TempArray = new ObjectReference [ 4 ]	; Light, Effect, Static, Sound
	TempArray[ 0 ] = QDataArray[ 4 * Rand ]
	TempArray[ 1 ] = QDataArray[ 4 * Rand + 1 ]
	TempArray[ 2 ] = QDataArray[ 4 * Rand + 2 ]
	TempArray[ 3 ] = QDataArray[ 4 * Rand + 3 ]
	If( ( TempArray[0] ) || ( TempArray[1] ) || ( TempArray[2] ) || ( TempArray[3] ) )
		Debug.Notification( "Fire Update, All Objects are Good" )
		Debug.Notification( "Fire Update, Few Objects are Bad" )
	QLPlayFireOut( TempArray )
	QChain_RemoveID( Rand )
		If( AMT == 0 )
			Return False
	Return true
EndFunction;==- Var. List -==;
Function QLFireUp()
	ObjectReference[] TempArray
	TempArray = new ObjectReference [ 4 ]	; Light, Effect, Static, Sound
	Int DataSize = QData.GetSize()
		DataSize /= 4
	Int i = 0
	While ( i < DataSize )
		TempArray[ 0 ] = QDataArray[ 4 * i ]
		TempArray[ 1 ] = QDataArray[ 4 * i + 1 ]
		TempArray[ 2 ] = QDataArray[ 4 * i + 2 ]
		TempArray[ 3 ] = QDataArray[ 4 * i + 3 ]
		If( ( TempArray[0] ) || ( TempArray[1] ) || ( TempArray[2] ) || ( TempArray[3] ) )
			Debug.Notification( "Fire UP, All Objects are Good" )
			Debug.Notification( "Fire UP, Few Objects are Bad" )
		QChain_Add( i )
		QLPlayFireUp( TempArray )
		Utility.Wait( 0.1 )
		i += 1
		If( QDebug as bool )
			Debug.Notification( "Fire Created, ID: " + i )
EndFunction;==- Var. List -==;
Function QLPlayFireUp( ObjectReference[] Data )
	Int SoundTemp = QSoundFireUp.Play( Data[2] )
		Data[0].Enable( true )		; Enable Light
		Data[1].Enable( true )		; Enable Effect
		Utility.Wait( 0.1 )		; Wait
		Data[1].Disable( true )		; Disable Effect
		Data[2].Enable( true )		; Enable Static
		Data[3].Enable()			; Enable Sound Marker
		Utility.Wait( 0.2 )		; Wait
	StopInstance( SoundTemp )
EndFunction;==- Var. List -==;
Function QLPlayFireOut( ObjectReference[] Data )
	Int SoundTemp = QSoundFireOut.Play( Data[2] )
		Data[2].Disable( true )		; Disable Static
		Utility.Wait( 0.3 )		; Wait
		Data[0].Disable( true )		; Disable Light
		Data[3].Disable( true )		; Disable Sound Marker
		Utility.Wait( 0.3 )		; Wait
	StopInstance( SoundTemp )
;===- Class QChain -=================================================
		; Item Structure ;		;
			Int[] NextID		; Next Item ID
			Int[] PrevID		; Prev Item ID
			Int[] RefID			; Value to Object ID
		; Free Strusture ;		;
			Int[] List			; List of Free IDs
			Int First			; First Free ID
		; Var. List ;			;
			Int LastUsed		; Last Used Item
			Int FirstID			; First Item
			Int LastID			; Last Item
			Int AMT				; Amount Of Items
			Int Size = 32		; Size of Array
Int Function QChain_GetRandomID()
	Int Temp = FirstID
	Int Rand = Utility.RandomInt( 0 , AMT )
	Int i = 0
		While ( i < Rand )
			Temp = NextID[ Temp ]
			i += 1
	Return RefID[ Temp ]
Bool Function QChain_Add( int NewValue )
		If( AMT == Size )
			Return false
		int NewItemID = List[ First ]
		PrevID[ FirstID ] = NewItemID
		NextID[ LastID ] = NewItemID
		NextID[ NewItemID ] = FirstID
		PrevID[ NewItemID ] = LastID
		RefID[ NewItemID ] = NewValue
		LastID = NewItemID;
		First -= 1
		AMT += 1
		Return true
Bool Function QChain_RemoveID( int ID )
		If( AMT == 0 )
			Return false
		int ItemID = FirstID
		Int i = 0
		While ( i < AMT )
			If( ID == ItemID )
				AMT -= 1
				First += 1
				List[ First ] = ID
				NextID[ PrevID[ ItemID ] ] = NextID[ ItemID ]
				PrevID[ NextID[ ItemID ] ] = PrevID[ ItemID ]
				If( ItemID == FirstID )
						FirstID = NextID[ ItemID ]
				If( ItemID == LastID )
						LastID = PrevID[ ItemID ]
				Return true
			ItemID = NextID[ ItemID ]
			i += 1
	Return false
Function Constructor()
	NextID = new Int [ 32 ]
	PrevID = new Int [ 32 ]
	RefID = new Int [ 32 ]
	List = new Int [ 32 ]
	QDataArray = new ObjectReference [ 128 ]

	Int T = 0
	Int DataSize = QData.GetSize()
	While ( T < DataSize )
		QDataArray[ T ] = QData.GetAt( T ) as ObjectReference
		T += 1
	First = Size - 1
	Int i = 0
		While ( i < Size )
			List[i] = ( Size - i ) - 1 ;
			NextID[i] = 0;
			PrevID[i] = 0;
			RefID[i] = 1;
			i += 1
	AMT = 0;
	LastUsed = 0;
	FirstID = 0;
	LastID = 0;
;=============- QChain Class END -==============;
; Hello I'm Tobi and my Sexy Cat is Nicole !... 




Ty all 4 help :D


lel xDD


and if anything is still wrong in my code you can post it here :D lel xD


#BadEnglish xD

Edited by TobiaszPL
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