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Voice issue


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If I look straight at a NPC and talk to them they sound far away, even if I am right in front of them. But if I move my camera to the left or right it sounds as it should, just in the left or right ear or speaker. It's very annoying and no mods cause this because it started ever since I got it (played without mods first) and I didn't edit anything in the data or Skyrim folder. If ANY one can help or even give simple pointers I would appreciate it, I stopped playing Skyrim because of this and I'd really like to play it normally.
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If You're using a realtek audio manager, experiment with the settings. I had the same problem. When looking directly at NPC, you can't hear the speaker unless you turn to the side a little.

I'm not sure which adjustment actually fixed it, but after making sure drivers are up to date, play with the driver and the board settings. mine came good after doing so.

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